About Me

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wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, friend, student, teacher...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Banging my head

Today I wanted to bang my head on the wall. Nothing is particularly wrong. I just felt frustrated, misunderstood, not able to get my point across, not able to get what I wanted or do what I wanted.

For that moment, I understood autism and what it's like to have something to say but the person you want to say it to doesn't understand.

For the most part, my daughter is happy in her world but I want with all my heart for her to be here - in our world.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Sister in the White House

I was in DC on Friday night, and there was just excitement in the air. There were so many people from all over. Every club and hotel we drove by werePACKED. The club were Sean played was still packed at 3:15 AM!

I was in awe as I watched the inaugural activities on TV yesterday. Now I don't know our President and First Lady, but they seem so genuine. Everything was done with class and style, but their personalities came shining through.

I like what Beyonce said in an interview they did with her after signing for the Obamas' dance, "they make me want to be better". That's how I feel, so today I got up and put on a special outfit. All eyes are on the black power couple, what they're wearing, how they're dancing...
It's time for me to "step up my game"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Jet Setter

Sean was in Amsterdam Friday, toronto last night, and he plays in DC tonight. Everyone thinks his job is glamorous, fun and exciting. It's really tiring work. He landed in Toronto after an 8 hour flight from London, just 1 hour before he had to play. Tonight, he'll get in around 8 and then head to DC at 11. He says it's snowing in Toronto (nothing unusual there). Just keep your fingers crossed that he'll make it home.


Well, I decided to add a new blog because the other kind of morphed into a daily discussion of autism and the gluten free casein free diet. I figured I would focus on that and perhaps help someone else, so I opened it to the public. Of course, you are free to read it and see how Sarah is doing on the diet. Just look on the bottom right hand side of this blog and there's a link to the other blog which is called "Waffles, Cereal and Yogurt".

This is my private blog where I will post all kinds of random thoughts, rants and raves about my life.