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wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, friend, student, teacher...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

29...13 times removed

So, it's my birthday.

Lessons I have learned in my 29 years :-)

1) It's rarely THAT serious

2) My body is older than I  feel - I have to take care of it

3) My mother was right when she said always put some money away

4) What doesn't kill me really will make me stronger (at least mentally)

5) I really don't care if my purse and my shoes don't match

6) Putting off something I really want to do because I am worried something else MIGHT happen is just   plain stupid
    (Don't wait to go back to school because you MIGHT get pregnant soon)
    (Don't wait to get pregnant because you MIGHT get a new job soon)
    (Don't wait to go on vacation because you MIGHT get a new house)

7) Marriage is like a sprained ankle. If you don't take care of it, it will turn into something really bad!

8) Giving to others really does bring me more joy than receiving from others

9) Being open minded has resulted in some of the most wonderful friendships with people I didn't even think I would like

10) A friend who is too busy to see me or call is still my friend

11) A friend who turns their back on me based on what someone else said, was never a friend

12) Work will still be there in the morning

13) Being satisfied with OK nets average results

14) I shouldn't be embarrassed by wanting and expecting the best

15) Sometimes the best response is no response. I do not have to dignify ignorance with a response.

16) Unforgiveness (that's not really a word is it?) is toxic

17) I have no idea what most people are going through beyond closed doors

18) The cure for procrastination is to get started right now

19) I don't need half the junk I am holding onto, and I feel better as soon as I let go of it

20) It's OK to be different

21) Things look more manageable after a full night of sleep

22) Pausing to think before acting (even when it seems an immediate answer is necessary) can prevent a lifetime of regret

23) Children don't stay children for very long - have fun with them

24) Family isn't always blood related

25) 2 glasses of wine are enough

26) Sometimes I have to be prepared to scrap the entire plan and head in a different direction (like it or not)

27) Just when I think it's over, I realize it's just a turn in the road

28) I am beautiful!

29) Without God, I am nothing

Enjoy my birthday! It's a good day. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm Back!

Really??? 3 years since I blogged. Well I have been busy and I don't think anyone was reading my blog anyway. So here I am - turning 42 tomorrow. I literally woke up this morning and thought, "I am going to start blogging again." What have I been up to? A little of everything. I got a new job - YAY! I am officially a government mule now. Guess what? I love it!! My hair is gone (I got it cut off), I started running, and I wore shorts this summer for the first time in about 12 years. This means that either I am getting older and have stopped caring about what other people think, or that I am really starting to like the way I look, or a little of both. So, here I am. I have changed a bit. Funny how you don't realize you are aging until you have really AGED. :-)

People tell me they like the way I put together all sorts of colors that one wouldn't normally put together. You might not be able to tell from the picture, but this jacket has red stripes in it - hence my red shoes. Let me tell you a secret, I have no clue what I am doing. I mix my clothing out of necessity. 5 years ago, I wouldn't dare to mix some of the colors and patterns I wear now. However, spending all of my money on a my kids and a house remodel, and starting to really think about the future (retirement), has really changed how I spend on myself. So, I just take the same old pieces and wear them with something different. Every now and then I buy a new piece and add it into the mix. OK, in the interest of full disclosure I will say that I just went on a SUPER internet shopping spree. I NEVER do that. My treat to myself (trying hard not to think of the total damage). Plus, I shopped during Maryland's tax-free week. Everything I purchased online was TAX FREE and of course I took advantage of free shipping deals and all kinds of online coupons. I will post a pic of all the clearance and sale priced goodies I found as soon as all my packages arrive. I will be back, and it won't be 3 years from now.

Ta ta for now!
